Get Involved with Something Unique!

By students, for students

TEC is an UoNSU Student Group providing technical services within the University to the Union and other Student Groups. We also work with external clients. Our team work on a range of events, from Graduation Ball to student comedy nights. We own, maintain and operate all of our lighting, sound and AV equipment.

TEC involves a wide variety of activities:

  • Setting up and running events of all kinds
  • Honing technical skills during training sessions
  • Communicating with clients and planning events
  • Maintaining our equipment
  • Driving our van

You can be one of the volunteers making it continue year on year!

It's free and always will be.

This'll take you to the SU website (you'll need to sign in there) where you can add a membership to TEC.

Why join TEC? Simple.

Our members say:

"TEC allowed me to really engage with student life, I have made lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories." — Liv

"Coolest group I've joined" — Jess

"Running events in our team gives me a sense of pride like nothing else" — Matt

New Members' Introduction

TEC is all about getting stuck in ⁠— why not come along to a New Members' Introduction? We'll introduce you to some of our kit and how to use it. No experience is required and once you’ve attended, you can come along to any TEC event.

Tuesday 8th October @ 19:00 in The Welcome Zone, Portland Building

Saturday 6th October @ 13:00 in The Welcome Zone, Portland Building

What can I get from TEC?

We learn how to maintain and operate equipment to a high standard. You'll acquire skills and experience which look excellent on a CV. Take it from any number of our members who are employed in the events industry! TEC provides an unparalleled opportunity for networking with fellow teccies and clients alike. You'll make friends, not just work with colleagues. Most of all, it's great fun!


Running events may be what we do but we also enjoy kicking back and relaxing. We're often found in the pub enjoying our 'crew food' — TEC provides food for its members on or after events. We also hold other socials such as Go-Ape, bowling and go-karting, usually paid for by TEC.

What's with the moose?

The moose is TEC's mascot, seen here doing a rather good impression of Lord Kitchener to help us out with recruitment. Previously guardian of our van he has since been promoted to watch over our office in the Portland Building. The storeroom guarding job was already covered by a duck. (Yes, we know we're a bit odd. Promise the moose doesn't bite) Come by and say hi sometime! Or email him at [email protected]...